Tessa Dalgety-Evans

Kia ora rā! Ko Tess ahau, tētahi o ngā kaiwaiata i roto i te Rōpū Rangatahi Waiata o Aotearoa. My ancestral lineage descends from Europe and Jamaica, nā he tangata Pākehā, Tauiwi ahau ki te whenua nei. I grew up in Pōneke Wellington in a musical family. My mother is a violinist in New Zealand Symphony Orchestra, and through her encouragement I started the pinao and picked up cello around 9, which I continued through University in a MusB. While at Ōtākou Whakaihu Waka (Otago), I also completed a BA in reo Māori, kapa performing arts, linguistics, and English literature. In my final year, I chose classical voice as 2nd instrument under Anna Leese’s tutelage. She unlocked sounds I’d never thought I could make. Coming from an orchestral and chamber music background, this was quite exciting! I loved lessons, and with her support, joined NZYC for the 2023-2025 cycle. I’m now in Pōneke working in a bilingual Te Tiriti/Treaty and history education space.